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In The News
Recognized by the media for our impact and innovation.
BUNTE: Dermaroller® and Hyaluron – the perfect Match
Want to make your skin glow? It's easier than you think – Microneedling is the magic word.
ESQUIRE: Why we should roll 162 real needles over our faces
Anyone who regularly visits their trusted beautician (yes, men should do this too) knows: Microneedling is one of the most effective anti-aging treatments out there.
ELLE: Now you can achieve the best anti-aging results at home too
Roll your way to youthful skin at home now: With the innovative Dermaroller.
Dermaroller for Hair Growth - The Game Changer for a Full Beard?
There are many supposed miracle cures for a full beard, but not all of them achieve the promised effect. This is supposed to change with the Dermaroller. We took a closer look at the tool.
Before and After: How the Dermaroller Ensures Radiant Skin
You have problems with your skin? The solution is: Dermaroller. We reveal what it does and what you should pay attention to when using it.
Maxi: Beauty Product Tests for a Natural and Radiant Look
Unlock Beauty Secrets! Discover the products tested by the MAXI magazine editorial team to achieve a natural look and feel confident from within.
Service-Seiten Gesundheit: Dermaroller Supports Children's Hospital on the Bult
Social commitment and medical support: Discover how Dermaroller is supporting the Children's Hospital on the Bult and acting as an ambassador for children's health.
Stadtglanz: From Wolfenbüttel to Global Player - The Success Story of a Cosmetics Company
Success, Sustainability, and Medical Innovations - Discover the journey of a cosmetics company from Wolfenbüttel to becoming a global player, captivating people worldwide.
DISKURS Dermatology: Microneedling - Versatile and High-Quality Treatment Method
Explore the next generation of microneedling in DISKURS Dermatology: The XCellarisPro Twist by Dermaroller - minimally invasive, effective, and safe
Maxi: Latest Beauty Trends and Products Overview
Discover the latest beauty news in Maxi Magazine: Spermidine as an anti-aging miracle, Haircycling as the new hair trend, and effective skincare with the Dermaroller HC902
Stadtglanz: Basketball Löwen & Dermaroller: Successful Sports Sponsorship
Michael Tomerius, the CEO of Dermaroller GmbH, believes in the positive impact of sports sponsorship and praises the involvement of the Basketball Löwen Braunschweig.
RegionalHeute: Wolfenbütteler Dermaroller GmbH Donates to Children's Hospital
The Wolfenbütteler Dermaroller GmbH made a donation of €2,000 to the Children's Hospital auf der Bult in Hannover.
MensHealth: Bartrollers for Hair Growth - What You Need to Know
Learn on MensHealth how bartrollers stimulate hair growth and improve small gaps or bald spots in your beard.